Meet our members
: The fight against malnutrition requires strengthening the health system, access to water and sanitation, food security and transversal advocacy actions.
is working on the HIV and malaria component for 3 years until December 2026. AJPP promotes the progressive elimination of HIV/AIDS at the community level through peer educators.
works to improve the well-being of the Malagasy population by carrying out social development actions through the promotion of community health, social protection.
is known for its interventions in agriculture and its integrated approach to community savings groups. It aims to broaden and complement its action in the fields of health, education and civil society, with a permanent concern to improve the quality of life of rural households.
promotes long-term behavior change among communities and future users of natural resources…
intervenes in the field of human rights and good governance, community health, nutrition and food security, environment, gender and development and construction of basic infrastructure.
is an organization that works to promote communication as a tool for development and to encourage citizens to change their behavior in favor of good social, economic and political governance.
is a non-profit environmental conservation organisation focused on the protection of forests in Madagascar. It works specifically in mapping and monitoring the evolution of forest cover.
is an international association created in 2012 and operating in the sectors of preservation and conservation of forest ecosystems, agriculture & market, agricultural entrepreneurship, bioenergy & waste.
is a non-profit organisation developed since 2003 and has been able to accomplish positive changes, preserving the lives of more than two million people of Madagascar thanks to the will and love of each member with the support also of physical/moral private persons, technical and/or financial partners.
works for the conservation of the environment and participates in the development and empowerment of women in rural communities around the village of Ranomafana Ifanadiana.
is making vocational and educational opportunities accessible to women and girls from the most marginalized communities around the world. We believe providing these opportunities to women is the solution to ensuring long term climate, economic and social resilience for rural communities globally.
is a marine conservation organisation that rebuilds tropical fisheries with coastal communities and runs an award-winning PHE programme serving more than 830,000 people along Madagascar’s west coast.
(Community Centred Conservation) works to develop conservation efforts by building the capacity of local individuals and institutions through grassroots research and training initiatives.
is an international Christian development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world.
is a world-class research station on the edge of Ranomafana National Park that aims to protect Madagascar’s unique and biologically diverse ecosystems through conservation science and projects, including rural healthcare.
contributes to the improvement of public health by promoting the development of reasoned management of the environment
is a non-profit Malagasy association founded in 2009. Its objective is to preserve the populations of marine mammals and their habitat in Madagascar and throughout the Indian Ocean. By involving the local population in its actions, Cétamada is committed to a sustainable development approach.
is a Malagasy NGO of the Caritas movement. It intervenes in the south of Madagascar in partnership with the WFP (World Food Program) on emergency aid and more structural actions aiming at the empowerment of populations.
is a large international conservation NGO that has experience integrating healthcare with natural resource management in the Mantadia-Zahamena forest corridor of east Madagascar.
runs evidence-based social and behaviour change campaigns to improve health and save lives. DMI communicates its messages through mass media to share knowledge on a large scale and save the most lives possible in the most cost-effective manner.
focuses on conserving the most threatened species and habitats in Madagascar by supporting rural communities to lead in the protection of their natural environments.
undertakes conservation and development activities as a promoter of the site “Kalanoro”.
is a global nonprofit with a profound commitment to doing good for people and the planet.Human well-being and the health of the planet are inseparable + interdependent. EPP partners with local communities to collaboratively design and implement landscape restoration projects to strengthen the resilience of people and the planet.
is expert in digitization and digitalization through Smart tools, which represent a revolutionary and essential solution for revitalizing Madagascar’s agricultural sector.
supports communities living around protected forest ecosystems to develop sustainable natural resource management strategies in three priority conservation zones: Daraina, Anjozorobe and Menabe.
or “happy family” was the first Malagasy organization to implement the concept of family planning in Madagascar.
was created in 1994 and manages the Maromizaha NAP and plans to manage the Efatsy Manombo forest. Its mission is to contribute to scientific knowledge of lemurs and their habitats through research, and to work with local residents through micro-development projects.
take action in the area of water quantity, water quality and socio-economic water.
is an international nonprofit dedicated to reversing global heating, understanding that rainforests are essential for the survival of humanity.
is a Christian association which brings help in the world, especially in Madagascar with Hovercraft in the inaccessible areas by road, intervening in community medical assistance. There is also the Emergency Relief project, aid to victims of the natural disaster and establishment of drinking water points.
works in rural sites in the Betsiboka, Boeny, Menabe, and Bongolava regions with projects focusing on conserving biodiversity and alleviating poverty through community-based conservation, scientific research, community health and development and environmental outreach.
is a consultancy focused on enhancing agricultural development and food security in developing regions like Madagascar. Their mission is to empower organisations by providing sustainable agricultural solutions that contribute to improved livelihoods and community resilience.
supports health and education professionals in rural areas. They are currently working with the NGO EAST Madagascar on a project to electrify seven remote basic health centres.
helps strengthen health systems and improve the ability of local providers and communities to deliver health services and create a healthy environment around the world.
works to protect Madagascar’s primates – the lemurs – through conservation, education, research and art.
works in the Menabe region since 2006 and is active in the fields of food and economic security. We carry out different types of actions: actions of protection and actions of regeneration of the mangroves.
is an international NGO that enables individual zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens and related institutions to collaborate for the united purpose of conserving Madagascar’s biodiversity.
oversees the management of Madagascar’s network of the national parks and supports community-based ecotourism, environmental education and scientific research.
supports local initiatives to ensure the survival of the critically endangered Alaotra bamboo lemur (Hapalemur alaotrensis).
promotes the conservation and sustainable use of Madagascar’s endemic species in their natural habitats for human wellbeing. They mitigate key threats through applied research and targeted actions, involve all stakeholders, especially local communities, in all interventions.
is a non-profit organization that was created at October 2015 to change girls’ lives by providing scholarships, which allow them to pursue study in secondary school as well as to support women’s sustainable artisan weaving collectives based in Ranomafana.
is a five-year USAID-funded project managed by JSI with Madagascar’s Ministry of Public Health, strengthening the public health system to support community health workers to provide quality healthcare to isolated communities.
is the largest provider of long-acting contraceptives in Madagascar – offering reproductive health services in all 22 regions via five different service delivery channels and working with communities to meet local needs.
works across several health areas to provide practical and innovative interventions to improve health outcomes.
is one of the key institutions for the country’s development.
maintains a permanent presence in Madagascar, with a local team working on community-based conservation initiatives including reforestation efforts, environmental education and biodiversity festivals.
project provided pregnant women and young mothers with access to a mobile health wallet and digital vouchers for subsidized care. Its initial success attracted additional partners interested in leveraging mTOMADY to address structural health financing challenges and advance universal health coverage.
is dedicated to the study of the Earth’s biological, geological and cultural diversity, as well as the relationship between man and nature, through :
fundamental and applied research,conservation, enrichment and promotion of collections,teaching and training, expertise and dissemination of knowledge.
combines accessible and comprehensive health services with rigorous scientific research to save lives and break cycles of poverty in a rural community near Ranomafana National Park.
(local partner of Feedback Madagascar) aims to alleviate poverty among rural communities near Fianarantsoa through a participatory and integrated approach – recognising the links between environmental degradation and poor health.
is a support organization for higher education, research and development institutions.
is a non-profit NGO established as an association in 2003. Intervening in the 22 regions of Madagascar, their missions consist in contributing to the fight against poverty through rural development and health improvement.
intervenes in community awareness by linking health and environment, gender sensitive program, education initiative.
is a non-governmental organization (NGO) created by three researchers working in Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar, eager to help the local population who welcomed and supported them in their research projects.
is an association that actively contributes to local development based on the management of natural resources. It participates in the national activities of the Environmental Program through several activities that aim at the effective decentralization and integration of the environmental dimension in development.
is a community conservation, education and development project that aims to conserve biodiversity and alleviate poverty in the Ankarafantsika National Park of northwest Madagascar.
helps low-income people gain access to essential health products and services – supporting a network of clinics and assuring reliable supply chains for affordable branded health products including contraceptives.
is a youth-led organisation providing comprehensive reproductive health and leadership education to young people in and around Fianarantsoa. They are currently piloting a menstrual awareness and reusable sanitary pad project.
(Rural Access to New Opportunities for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) is a 6-years project funded by US AID. RANO WASH is implemented by a CARE -led consortium that includes Catholic Relief Services , WaterAid , Bush Proof and Sandandrano with activities planned until June 2022.
is a Malagasy based non-profit organization that has been conducting conservation and social development in Southwest of Madagascar. We run a holistic set of projects targeted at conserving biodiversity and alleviating poverty.
maintains a permanent presence in Madagascar, with a local team working with Kew UK staff on taxonomic research and the conservation of species and biodiversity by communities.
fights for the right of everyone to be well looked after. In Madagascar, our actions are converging to strengthen the health system. This will involve developing access to basic health care, improving the quality of care, and protecting the most vulnerable.
makes sure children are safe and healthy. We support them to learn, grow and become who they want to be.
is a British charity that works with communities in southeast Madagascar to alleviate poverty, improve health, diversify livelihoods and conserve ecosystems.
has implemented conservation and reforestation projects around several of Madagascar’s national parks and protected areas, and also funds environmental projects undertaken by local associations and communities.
develops and maintains relations between the United Kingdom and Madagascar, dealing with a range of political and economic issues, and supporting small-scale development and conservation projects.
focuses on environmental sustainability. We partner with Malagasy and international organizations to facilitate services that enhance sustainability in the SAVA Region.
works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health in line with the Libreville Declaration on Health and Environment in Africa.
works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests in line with the Libreville Declaration on Health and Environment in Africa.
works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests in line with the Libreville Declaration on Health and Environment in Africa.
supports a number of sexual and reproductive health programmes in Madagascar, and has also supported projects integrating family planning services with biodiversity conservation initiatives.
supported several large-scale PHE programmes in Madagascar during the 2000s implemented by members of the Voahary Salama platform, and now supports PHE monitoring and innovation efforts.
develops and maintains relations between the USA and Madagascar, dealing with a range of political and economic issues, and supporting small-scale development and conservation projects.
promotes non-consumptive tourism as the most effective way for local communities and their natural environments to prosper symbiotically.
is a five-year program funded by USAID and led by Management Sciences for Health (MSH). ACCESS supports the Ministry of Public Health in its effort to improve health service quality, to strengthen the health system and to foster behavior change.
is an organisation creating positive environmental and social impacts under the umbrella of the parent company, Vision Madagascar.
is a platform of Malagasy associations who implement integrated PHE programmes and work closely with government partners in order to promote the inclusion of this approach in national policy.
saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. WCS Madagascar has an integrated health and conservation program that aims to empower local population to assure human wellbeing.
is a large international conservation NGO that has experience integrating healthcare with natural resource management in the Ala Maiky spiny forest ecosystem in southern Madagascar.
means “SUN” and “anKIDS” as to refer to “ONE KIDS” to express that each kids, each one of them is a sun that deserves to shine and bring a new day for the future of his society, his country.