Tany Meva
has implemented conservation and reforestation projects around several of Madagascar’s national parks and protected areas, and also funds environmental projects undertaken by local associations and communities.
has implemented conservation and reforestation projects around several of Madagascar’s national parks and protected areas, and also funds environmental projects undertaken by local associations and communities.
helps low-income people gain access to essential health products and services – supporting a network of clinics and assuring reliable supply chains for affordable branded health products including contraceptives.
is a community conservation, education and development project that aims to conserve biodiversity and alleviate poverty in the Ankarafantsika National Park of northwest Madagascar.
is a world-class research station on the edge of Ranomafana National Park that aims to protect Madagascar’s unique and biologically diverse ecosystems through conservation science and projects, including rural healthcare.
combines accessible and comprehensive health services with rigorous scientific research to save lives and break cycles of poverty in a rural community near Ranomafana National Park.