Ny Tanintsika

Ny Tanintsika

(local partner of Feedback Madagascar) aims to alleviate poverty among rural communities near Fianarantsoa through a participatory and integrated approach – recognising the links between environmental degradation and poor health.

Marie Stopes Madagascar (MSM)

Marie Stopes Madagascar (MSM)

is the largest provider of long-acting contraceptives in Madagascar – offering reproductive health services in all 22 regions via five different service delivery channels and working with communities to meet local needs.

Madagascar National Parks

Madagascar National Parks

oversees the management of Madagascar’s network of the national parks and supports community-based ecotourism, environmental education and scientific research.

Missouri Botanical Garden

Missouri Botanical Garden

 maintains a permanent presence in Madagascar, with a local team working on community-based conservation initiatives including reforestation efforts, environmental education and biodiversity festivals.

Mahefa Miaraka

Mahefa Miaraka

is a five-year USAID-funded project managed by JSI with Madagascar’s Ministry of Public Health, strengthening the public health system to support community health workers to provide quality healthcare to isolated communities.