by Nantenaina Andriamalala | Oct 21, 2022
Association Chrétienne pour le Développement et l’action Environnementale de Madagascar (ACDEM)
intervenes in the field of human rights and good governance, community health, nutrition and food security, environment, gender and development and construction of basic infrastructure.
by Nantenaina Andriamalala | Oct 21, 2022
ONG L’Homme et L’Environnement
intervenes in community awareness by linking health and environment, gender sensitive program, education initiative.
by Nantenaina Andriamalala | Oct 21, 2022
Ecovision Village
undertakes conservation and development activities as a promoter of the site “Kalanoro”.
by Nantenaina Andriamalala | Jul 8, 2020
Santé Sud Madagascar
fights for the right of everyone to be well looked after. In Madagascar, our actions are converging to strengthen the health system. This will involve developing access to basic health care, improving the quality of care, and protecting the most vulnerable.
by Nantenaina Andriamalala | May 7, 2020
Aga Khan Foundation Madagascar
is known for its interventions in agriculture and its integrated approach to community savings groups. It aims to broaden and complement its action in the fields of health, education and civil society, with a permanent concern to improve the quality of life of rural households.