Learning exchange visits strengthen collaborative PHE initiatives
In-depth training workshops and learning exchange visits in Ranomafana (centre) and Ifaty (southwest) brought together health and environmental organisations working in these regions to share knowledge and support uptake of the PHE approach.
National training workshops build capacity in behaviour change communication and community testimony collection
The PHE network partnered with the Ministry of Public Health and K4Health to organise these training workshops. Plus a TEDx talk and Reuters article spotlight PHE initiatives in Madagascar! All this and more in our latest news roundup.
PHE resources launched!
The network’s PHE partnerships guide and PHE story cards (an interactive community outreach tool) are now available to download.
New health programme launches with potential for PHE partnerships
JSI / Mahefa Miaraka will strengthen community-based health services in seven regions across the country and is open to collaboration with environmental organisations. Meanwhile the Wildlife Conservation Society and Blue Ventures report on their PHE partnerships in our latest news roundup.
Going the last mile to reach isolated communities with health services
Lemur Conservation Foundation helps Marie Stopes ladies to go the last mile to reach isolated forest communities. Meanwhile PHE network members cross coasts to share learning and implementation experiences. All this and more in our latest news roundup!
PHE partnerships take off as regional forums connect field teams
PHE initiatives are currently underway at marine and terrestrial biodiversity hotspots in eight regions across the country: Atsimo-Andrefana, Menabe, Melaky, Diana, Sava, Analanjirofo, Atsinanana and Matsiatra Ambony.
Numerous new cross-sector partnerships sparked through dynamic workshop!
Efforts to advance sustainable development in Madagascar received a boost last week as more than 20 health and conservation organisations came together to establish new partnerships and share learning about joint initiatives.
Diverse actors reunite to advance sustainable development in Madagascar
Health and conservation organisations are meeting this week with representatives of several ministries in order to advance cross-sector partnerships with the aim of improving the health of Madagascar’s people and ecosystems.
PHE highlighted at a roundtable discussion about biodiversity conservation with the President of Madagascar
The roundtable was convened in the UK by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative with the PHE network represented by Blue Ventures. Also in this news roundup: Madagascar’s progress is celebrated at a regional conference in Kenya and the PHE network links up with MIHARI again at their national forum.
Working across sectors to combat malaria and advance coastal food security
We’ve been working with the MIHARI network to identify cross-sector solutions to the issue of mosquito net fishing. Also in this news roundup: family planning partnerships continue apace and we now have a dedicated PHE network coordinator!
Marie Stopes Madagascar explores new PHE partnership opportunities
Following the PHE network’s inaugural meeting, Marie Stopes Madagascar has been exploring new PHE partnership opportunities to expand access to family planning in Madagascar’s biodiversity hotspots. Plus, the PHE network was represented at a meeting of regional PHE leaders in Uganda last month!