Member data visualisation
The national picture
couple years of protection provided to date
(1 couple year of protection is 1 year of protection from unintended pregnancy for 1 couple – calculated based on number and type of contraceptives distributed using standard USAID-approved conversion factors)
unintended pregnancies averted to date
(Estimated using Marie Stopes International’s impact tool)
Short-acting contraceptives offered in 9 sites to date
Maternal health supported in 29 sites to date
Water, sanitation & hygiene supported in 13 sites to date
Terrestrial resource management supported in 29 sites to date
Alternative income-generating activities supported in 26 sites to date
Long-acting contraceptives offered in 11 sites to date
Child health supported in 29 sites to date
Nutrition supported in 6 sites to date
Marine resource management supported in 12 sites to date
Community outreach linking health and environmental themes facilitated in 31 sites to date
PHE network growth
![phe-network-growth Network Growth](
🤔 Why only family planning data?
At this stage we’re just trying to record the types of activities that are happening at each PHE partnership site, while starting to collate the number and types of contraceptives distributed by health partners every quarter.
This is because:
a) family planning services are currently being provided across almost all PHE partnership sites, whereas other health services / environmental conservation activities may or may not be present depending on the context;
b) the number and types of contraceptives distributed are easy to report, uniformly collected by family planning service providers, and can be used to estimate impacts including the number of unintended pregnancies averted;
(c) other types of activities – from maternal and child health to terrestrial and marine natural resource management – lack immediately obvious standardised indicators.
Please rest assured that other indicators reflecting the full range of PHE services / activities will be incorporated into the portal very soon! We just had to start somewhere…
This year PHE network member JSI has received funding from USAID to facilitate discussions about other indicators that PHE network members could track together so your input will be most appreciated during this process.