
Our brochure presenting the PHE Network

What is the purpose of the PHE Network? What is our vision and our main mission? How does the Network support its members? This brochure answers everything you wanted to know about the PHE Network. The brochure also provides an overview of our operational strategic plan up to 2028.

Numerous new cross-sector partnerships sparked through dynamic workshop

A report of our four-day national training and experience sharing workshop held in March 2016, which brought together representatives from 20 different organisations for technical capacity building and PHE partnerships development.

The history of PHE in Madagascar

A report produced by Blue Ventures for the Madagascar PHE Network, summarising the last 25 years of PHE activity in Madagascar and looking forward to the next chapter.

Proceedings of the PHE network’s inaugural meeting

The proceedings of our inaugural meeting held in July 2014, which brought together representatives from 35 different organisations (including funders and policy makers) under the theme of reinforcing PHE through effective partnerships.