Member connections
Environmental organisations often wish to connect with health organisations in order to explore opportunities for increasing access to community health services in the under-served and biodiverse areas where they work.
Soon the PHE network will produce an online database of all member activities and intervention zones in order to facilitate the identification of possible new PHE partnerships. In the meantime we’re providing the following information about health organisations that environmental organisations may wish to reach out to:
Marie Stopes Madagascar (MSM):
- Operates in all regions of Madagascar offering a range of contraceptives including long-acting reversible methods such as implants and intra-uterine devices
- Mobile outreach teams travel by 4×4 and serve the same isolated communities a few times each year – contact Marie Stopes to see if they can visit your area (you would not normally need to provide funding for this)
- Marie Stopes ladies are health professionals based in towns yet can travel to serve rural populations if invited by environmental organisations (you may be asked to cover the costs of their transport and accommodation while on mission)
MSM – Partnerships Manager: Eugène Andriamasy
📩 [email protected]
☎️ 034 11 836 08
📍 All regions

Mahefa Miaraka and USAID Mikolo – both with the Ministry of Public Health:

- USAID-funded projects strengthening the public health system and supporting community health volunteers (« agents communautaires ») to offer short-acting contraceptive methods including pills and injections, referrals for long-acting contraceptive methods and maternal care, integrated management of childhood illnesses, nutrition education, WASH promotion, etc – each fokontany should have two community health volunteers
- Environmental organisations may wish to cross-train community health volunteers so that they can discuss the links between human and ecosystem health with their communities, encourage women’s engagement in natural resource management, etc – and in turn the staff of environmental organisations may wish to collaborate with community health volunteers to integrate health messages into community outreach activities, engage men at natural resource management meetings in discussions about family health, etc
Ministry of Public Health – Partnerships Director: Dr Hery Harimanitra Andriamanjato
📩 [email protected]
☎️ 034 05 800 02
📍 All regions (Dr Andriamanjato can connect you with the DRS in your region)
Mahefa Miaraka (2016-2021): Yvette Ribaira
📩 [email protected]
☎️ 034 49 790 02
📍 Analanjirofo, Sava, Diana, Sofia, Boeny, Melaky & Menabe
USAID Mikolo (2013-2018): John Yanulis
📩 [email protected]
☎️ 034 42 550 29
📍 Atsimo-Andrefana, Atsinanana, Vatovavy-Fitovinany, Haute Matsiatra, Amoron’i Mania, Vakinankaratra, Analamanga & Alaotra-Mangoro
Note: a new USAID-funded project called ACCESS (2018-2023) will operate in Atsimo-Andrefana, Atsinanana & Vatovavy-Fitovinany from 2018 plus the seven regions currently covered by Mahefa Miaraka from 2021.